The crack in the fence that became an Israeli art piece

The explosion in the house wall became a map on the wall of the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea

The explosion on the house wall became a map of the Kineret and the Dead sea.

Taking a crack on the wall and making it an art piece- this is exactly the kintsugi philosophy. When an old costumer of Oded from Ramat Gan told him her fence was blown up and asked about repair options, Oded told her about kintsugi.

As one of the founders of kibbutz Masda located south to the Kineret, she really the idea Oded offers her. The cracks on the outer side of the wall Oded painted so they look like a map of the Jordan river connecting the Kineret and the Dead sea.

The art piece became very popular in the neighborhood. Many people and bystanders were very impressed and took photos of the fence. They loved the way a flaw turned into an art piece. The part they did not see was the inner part of the fence, which was painted red, blue and green, symbolizing her change from life in the kibbutz to life in the city.


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