Is the door stuck or broken? Anything can be repaired and it saves a lot of money
This is truly a field no one but Oded can handke. Old sliding doors are barely manufactured nowadays. So what do we do then when the door is stuck? Oded is also an expert when it comes to replacing the wheels to old slidinfg doors, and installing wheels and mechanisms that enable silent sliding of the doors.
Oded has some special spare parts. He can also implement a renovation which enables the door to slide into the wall, thereby saving place.
Other services Oded will happily do for you:
Special accesories that wnable installing a locking mechanism on the sliding door
Replacing broken or cracked glass
Protecting the door from wetness rotting and peeling at the bathroom using a special patent
Renovation and preservation of old cognates.
Oded’s treatment saves the ols door and renews thedesign of the house. It also saves money with an efficient repair instead of replacing al the doors only because of one door, which is equaly important.