Dan Ben Amotz’s famous apartment at Jafa harbor

Maintenance work of windows, doors and furniture in one of the most beautiful apartments in the city

Dan Ben Amotz R.I.P was a controvesial author and actor. Despite thet, there is one thing everyone agrees upon: he had one of the pretiest appartments in Israel

Nowadays the apartment is owned by a women who is not related to him in any way. She used Oded’s services whishing to preserve the vintage look of the apartment with furnituress, windows and doors.

One of Oded’s best works he has done was the windows glazing at the harbor. The windows were in bad condition, but Oded skilfuly suceded and retrieved them to an intact, safe and most importnantly aesthetic.

In the photos below you can have a little taste of Oded’s work at the apartment, which he is very proud of.

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